Boutique Care Homes 2024 Spring Competition Winners Announced!

Amidst the blossoming flowers and chirping birds, the Boutique Care Homes Spring Competition provided a platform for residents and team to showcase their skills and passion for enriching lives. From bustling kitchens to serene gardens, each home hosted a display of talent and dedication, reflecting the community’s commitment to fostering happiness and togetherness.

The winners of the 2024 spring Competitions are:

Hot Cross Buns & Easter Cakes – Joint Winners: Brampton Manor & The Burlington

Brampton Manor and The Burlington stole the show with their mouthwatering treats. Residents and staff at Brampton Manor whipped up a delightful spread of Easter goodies, while The Burlington wowed everyone with a stunning cake adorned with fresh fruit and white chocolate bunnies.

Herb Gardens – Winner: Brampton Manor

Brampton Manor’s herb display spelled out the home’s name with different herbs, adding a personal touch to garnishing dishes. Chartwell House and The Burlington also earned praise for their dedication to growing fresh herbs, promising flavourful meals for residents.

Most Imaginiative community Easter Egg Hunt – Winner: Brampton Manor

Brampton Manor’s Easter Egg Extravaganza brought families and schools together for a day of fun and games. The event was a hit, thanks to imaginative clues and enthusiastic participation. The Burlington’s event also drew a crowd, adding to the festive atmosphere.

Spring Poetry – Winner: The Burlington

The Burlington’s June Woodland penned a heartfelt poem, “My Mother’s Button Box,” capturing the essence of spring’s renewal, you can read an excerpt below. Brampton Manor’s Jean Aves also impressed with her ode to the home and its team, adding a touch of literary charm to the competition.


My mother’s beautiful button box

Was full of buttons from coats and frocks

There were red ones and blue ones

And all manner of colours

I remember the orange ones

Which were larger than the others


The box itself was very old

But where it came from I was never told

All the buttons were gathered through time

Some were my mother’s and some were mine

Looking through them was my greatest pleasure

A lasting memory I’ll always treasure


Overall Winner: Brampton Manor Takes the Crown

Brampton Manor’s consistent excellence across all categories earned them the title of overall winner. Their dedication to creativity and community involvement sets a commendable example for all BCH homes.

Priya Bhayani, Quality Director at BCH, shared her thoughts on the competition: “The Spring Competition has been a wonderful showcase of the talent and dedication within our homes. It’s heartening to see residents and staff coming together to create such memorable moments.”

As we celebrate these achievements, let’s not forget the collective effort that made it all possible. From Chartwell House’s inter-generational activities to Brampton Manor’s chocolate workshop, each endeavour contributed to the happiness of residents and the broader community. A sincere thank you to all participants and teams for their commitment to creating moments of joy and connection. Let’s continue to inspire each other as we embark on new adventures together, embracing the spirit of spring with open hearts and shared enthusiasm.